Every marriage has it's own ups and downs. I don't see for any clear reason why kids should also be dragged and entangled into their parents fights of disagreements. Any disagreements between spouses should be iron out to the core. It's much easier to play the goody-two-shoes role in public. But when you're at home with your family, the bad sides just shows.
For the sake of your kids, practice good parents habits. Set a good role model for your kids. Fall in love with each other again and again. Embraced those good times together. Learn to respect and listen to each other. It's okay to have any disagreements once in a while. Make it a good habit to apologize each other after each mistakes done and say thank you after each favors.
Kids learn more from their own parents than from anyone else. Whatever parents do, their gestures or languages, how they talk, the tone of their voice, how they appreciate each other, are all observed and will be adapted by kids. They might think and say 'So, this is how adults interact with each other. This is also what I will do later.' And I'm sure, as a good parent you won't want to give your kids the 'wrong impression' throughout their learning process.
Words of affection, reassurance, and compliments from parents are needed in kids developments. More of 'I love you', 'Thank you for helping', 'Well done', 'Could you PLEASE do me a favor', 'It's okay, you've tried your very best', 'We miss you here. How's day at school?' and so forth. These are words that could leave a deep impact on your kids personality development.
It is easy said than done when it comes to leaving behind those bad habits. Like Oprah Winfrey said, It is about how you feel through your experiences than made you the person you are today. If I am a child who grows from words of destructive rather than compliments, I should understand more than to let my kids go through the same experiences I felt.
Kids are born brilliant..They'll pick up good humanity along the way. But it's a total shame when these smarties have to grow up in an unhealthy environment. Try to practice good parents who respect, listen and help each other a lot and you will be bound for a happy family, in the making of good quality kids..
Colours of my Life
The minute I held & cradle my baby for the 1st time, I couldn't imagine anything that could held me back from being there besides her throughout her growing years. Not for a split second I thought of leaving home for a carrier life anymore.
So that's when my never ending story as a mom begins.. Despite all the hardship I went through raising my kids, I still can stood tall and proudly announce I'm a mom of 2 adorable kids. Never did it occur to my mind that I regretted leaving behind all my years of studying and working. My kids meant more than that.
It's one tough job being a mom n raising your own kids. Every mom has a different story to share. Different child has a different tantrums that will later developed into their personality... I'm still, and forever will be learning and challenging myself to becoming a far more better mom. Many tips I learned and would gladly to share with other moms out there..