Colours of my Life

You'll never know what's the future has in store for you. I used to pictured myself as a career woman once. But now, I'm a 24/7 housewife and mom. I managed to work for 2 years though, but lost my job at 6m pregnancy with my 1st child. Since it's so tough to get a new job, I'm just better off at home.

The minute I held & cradle my baby for the 1st time, I couldn't imagine anything that could held me back from being there besides her throughout her growing years. Not for a split second I thought of leaving home for a carrier life anymore.

So that's when my never ending story as a mom begins.. Despite all the hardship I went through raising my kids, I still can stood tall and proudly announce I'm a mom of 2 adorable kids. Never did it occur to my mind that I regretted leaving behind all my years of studying and working. My kids meant more than that.

It's one tough job being a mom n raising your own kids. Every mom has a different story to share. Different child has a different tantrums that will later developed into their personality... I'm still, and forever will be learning and challenging myself to becoming a far more better mom. Many tips I learned and would gladly to share with other moms out there..

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chemical and Drug Poisoning

Kids are just kids. No matter how smart they are, they are easily distracted. Anything colorful and  'fun looking' is just to good to resists.

These, however, includes all those colorful medicines (tablets or syrup) or even detergents, soaps, or repellents that comes in 'attractive' packaging these days. For a prevention step, store all medication and other chemical reagents in a high and unreachable height. You might want to reconsider the 'safe height' to a higher level, when witnessing your 3 year kid standing on a chair and trying to reach out for the mosquito repellent, or even your 3year old kid sharing a bottle of cough syrup with her 1year old brother, just because she herself is given a dose whenever the cough catches in. It doesn't make any difference to her if medicine are given one teaspoon or the emptying the whole bottle!

Yes, these heart throbbing 'scenes' do take place in real life. You never know when these 'accidents' could occur. You have been all ears and all eyes these time and there's only this 'one time' when you are one minute off guard those curious kids of yours, and that's when fatal accidents usually happens at home.

Whatever chemicals or medicines that your kids accidentally swallowed, you might want to bring along those bottles or packaging with you to the hospital. Different chemical poisoning receives different treatment, according to the main ingredients it contains. By making an effort to bring along those bottles or packaging involved, saving the life of your little loved ones might be possible. These are also the star advice my pediatrician used to remind me about. =)

Food Poisoning

Whenever it concerns food poisoning, or chemical poisoning, both seek immediate treatment. Food poisoning, for a start, occurs more often in my family. We are the 'home-cooked type tummy'. We often get tummy upsets easily after eating some 'lousy' food outside. So, it is best for me to home cooked for the whole family.

Food poisoning occurs when those tummy upsets are not curbed, which later followed by frequently diarrhoea and vomiting. If left untreated, it might lead to serious body dehydration. When dehydration takes place, your body starts losing all those essential minerals and salt. Some doctors even suggest drinking ice cream sodas or any mild bicarbonate drinks such as 100 plus, Sprite , etc. to replace those loss. I skipped this tip as I'm not use to drinking bicarbonate drinks, what's more taking something 'foreign' during a bad tummy day.

Food poisoning or tummy upsets in my family is usually treated with the employment of homeopathic combination of Arsenicum Album ( Arsenious Acid ) - Arsenic Trioxide and Nux Vomica ( Poison-nut). By the 3rd dose, those tummy complaints are left bygones. It's also a combination cure whenever my kids experiences purgation.

Like the saying 'prevention is better than cure'. Reheating stale food doesn't help to kill those harmful bacterias. Anything that's stale, smells, expired or goes bad (even the smallest fungi spotted) should be discarded from the edible list. I used to close an eye upon this food preparation matter, and later the consequences bit me. It's just one of those small matters in life which lay a big impact if not taken seriously.